kena tagged sudah:)
I. Thank and link the person that give you the award. terima kasih bilass:)) II. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantastic. hoho, dapat candy tak kalu jwb? :D orangekiut kak anum mialea syafrez syuib bella mai fyzah farah fahmi mimiey yasmin amily khrnmr popsicle zakiah aqilah ajie's//gee's dadadonuts III. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award okie dokie:) IV. State 7 things about yourself i hate waiting!! i am a good consultant (abah ckp)haha not that wicked, and not that virtuous , deal with it:) I want an ipod. tend to be nit-picky i am fairly critical person talkative person, i love to talk, talk and TALK wee~ sudah habis Now , to all the 15 person that i've tag , don't forget to do your responsibilities !