
Showing posts from August, 2010

eh, miss korang :(

nothing much i can say but yes, i miss u guys a lot!! atip miss u like hell, ko macam kat abroad kowt, haha(padahal kat srwk je an) ble nak menari lagu baby im yours lagi babe? hee bilas although ko kat sini dengan ak. ak tetap miss ko, :D (gediks) ak rasa gap kte mcm besar owhh susah tol nak jumpa dak hayat sorg ni.. hee.. far sorry sbb tak dapat nak spent time sgt dgn ko mse cuti dat day ak sgt bz. gn mak ak yg suroh dok mahh.. lagiiii. mcm2 laa.. tp2, kte ade kluar jugak kan yunk? :) have so much fun cme sakit kaki tade kete hehe echa ble tgk gmba ko gn membe ko, ak sgt2 rasa jeles.. dlm ati ak cakap "bila nak tgkp gmbr sesama lgi :'(" huuuu~ jijah susah gak nak taw perkembangan ko tp sejak2 ko slalu on9 fb, sng gak laa nak contact ko tp........ kmns wifi mcm shit so susahhhh :( ehh tp takpe.. masih bole contact kat hp kan kan kan?? ilaaa sgt sgt sgt tak tahu perkembangn ko;( ko sehat tak?? ok tak kat pilah?? nnt kalu nak g seremban ajak la ak... ak sudi follow ble2 m...


awkward awkward and sangat awkward . celebrating ramadhan without my family sgt rasa pelik.. first ramadhan last year was so exciting.. theres tembikai, kurmaa, all the delicious and wonderful dishes made by my beloved omma and of course berbuka dengan mereka sgt sgt best.. hmm, i miss that moment so damn much.. kat sini bukan je tembikai, kurma pn tak rasa lagi for berbuka.. here in matrikulasi neg 9, we have to be "kedekut" i mean "berjimat" . well u know, bazar ramdhan kat sini mahal gilaa .. if the food was splendid ok la kan? but sadly NO! the nasi goreng i brought was too salty .. nasib baik ayam percik best! :) so, boleh dimaafkan.. kuih? err.. popia basah tak sedap tak sedap.. kuih cara?? 4 star!! lagi... murtabak??? boleh laaa.. ehh murtabak bukan kuih.. heee:D solat terawih in KMNS only 8 rakaat .. the imams was so cool.. ada yang baca sgt meleret .. and ada yg baca sgt laju .. i like the laju one because MASA ITU EMAS!! so, yeah laju la lagi.. ...

is it wrong to befriended with him?

first situation he has a best friend.. a girl best friend.. they are so close.. i admit it.. they usually study together i guess.. laughing together.. its like they are made for each other.. is it wrong to befriended with him?? second situation he has a girlfriend.. some says he no longer with that girl.. because, they are in a long-distant relationship.. he thinks that it is not suitable for him to have a girl now, is it wrong to befriended with him? third situation his best friend is my friend.. we are fairly close.. i hope we can become more closer than we are now.. she is so adorable.. but sadly, today she ignores me.. hmm, ignore like i did something wrong. is it wrong to befriended with him? forth situation my heart keeps pounding when he text me just to say goodnight or even a break-fasting wish,my heart keep beating when he asked me to study with him, i want to scream out loud when he invites me to have a lunch with him , i like it when he asked me "okay tak td kuliah? i...