Atip's Birthday prank ^^

pictures worth a thousand words :) salam, nak update blog ni. dah bersawang sikit. hehe. birthday atip kisah nyaaa.. kitorang prank buat a week before her birthday. prank ni in collaboration with Paan Tarbus. atip punya ehem ehem. at first, atip mmg da berjanji nak jumpa paan dkat UPM. dah tiga bulan plak tak jumpa. mesti la dia exited kan?? so, dia ajak B teman. the plan is mintak paan bgtaw atip yg dia kena cancelkan date tu last minute. HAHAHA amek kaw. so, atip pun sedih and B bawak keluar jalan2. nana echa and far pi la amek paan kat station. and surprise atip nnt :) haaaaa.. dah abis sinopsis. nah gamba :) 

the end :)

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