new semester, new life:D

sedar tak sedar rupa2nye da second sem kowt.. HAHA, serious mcm tak percaya pn ada gak:P
smpi kmns around 5.. then, sampai2 je.. roomate aku masing2 ada story. pasal ITU laaa.. INI laaa.. mlm, tak taw nak buat apa sbb semua movie dalam lappy ni dorang da tgk,. then ktrg main BINGO haha.. xde keje gle.. but it was FUN kowt.. then try to sleep but we can't.. no, I CAN'T.. huuu~ excited kowt nak masok class..

okayhh bangun pukul 6 lebihh.. mandi, solat.. siap2.. turun breakfast.. makan2.. semua wonder dapat jadual ble? aahh. aku pun tak taw kowt.. so, lepas mkn.. tercari-cari la budak2 class.. masa cari tuh budak2 account class lain bergossip.. rupa2nye class kena rombak . huh! serious?? hahaa.. INTERESTING! nk taw mcm mne rasanye dlm class yang bilangannye SEDIKIT orang..  

TAK BEST LANGSUNG!! takde geng:( emma dengan dania kelas AIP7 .. aku still dekat A1P2:( huuu~ xpe2.. be an independent person.. NANA BOLEH!! CHAIYOK2..  kelas tak bising sgt ble x ramai org.. so boleh focus lbih..

yes, i do have new AZAM for this new sem :
  1. VISION : nak siapkan semua tutorial on time.. tak tangguh kerja, jadi lebih rajin and usaha yg lebih to score and shoot for PNGK 4.00
  2. MISSION : PNGK 4.00 and becoming an accountant or a business"girl" :)
  3. menjadi muslimah yang berjaya, anak yg solehah and kawan yg baik, INSYA ALLAH 
  4. nak KURANG MAKAN or in other word "DIET" hahaaa.. jogging setiap hari and have a healthy life. yeahh.!
  5. lagi lagi lagi, eh tu jekowt.. wish me luck eh :D
so, harap2 azam sem baru ni menjadi.. and yes, it is not wrong to have a better life. :)


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